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Individual plan - coordination of health care services and/or social services

You have the right to have an individual plan developed for you if you need long-term, coordinated services from the public assistance services.


The plan will ensure that there is someone who is responsible for coordination and follow-up at all times. You will have a coordinator who ensures cooperation between the services and the progress of your plan.

We encourage you to participate actively as a user in describing your needs for services and what personal wishes and goals you have.

Target group

  • Persons in need of long-term, coordinated health care services and/or social services
  • Participants in the qualification programme under the auspices of NAV.

Cooperating authorities

If you need services from both the municipality and the specialist health service (the state), they have a duty to cooperate on developing the plan.


This is a statutory service. See:

Section 3-2a of the Child Welfare Act

Section 4-1 of the Mental Health Care Act

Chapter 7 and Section 7-1 of the Health Care Act

Chapter 7 of the Patient Rights Act

Chapter 4 of the Act relating to social services through NAV

Section 2-5 of the Specialised Health Services Act

Section 22 of the Regulations on Habilitation and Rehabilitation

Regulation on individual plans through NAV.

Forskrift om individuell plan ved ytelse av velferdstjenester
Helse- og omsorgstjenesteloven
Pasient- og brukerrettighetsloven
Psykisk helsevernloven
Forskrift om habilitering, rehabilitering og koordinator

Guidelines – applying for, or receiving the service

You or your relatives may take the initiative to have an individual plan drawn up, but the primary responsibility for its preparation lies with the assistance services.


You must provide authorisation if someone else applies for you.

Time taken to consider the application

The municipality will process the case as soon as possible. If a decision cannot be reached on the case within one month, you will receive a written message stating the reason as to why. You will also be informed of when the decision is expected to be made.

Possibilities to appeal; procedure

The right of appeal is based on the individual legislation (see the section on laws and regulations). The county governor serves as the administrative appeal body under the Act relating to social services through NAV; the Board of Health Supervision in your county serves as the administrative appeal body under the health legislation.

You may appeal with regard to your right to an individual plan. However, if your individual plan does not meet the requirements for what such a plan should contain (see the regulations), you can also submit a complaint in this regard. Send your complaint to the municipal authority that decided on your case.

Tenesta oppdatert: 27.06.2022 09:28